Why is it that Liberals Are
Against Using Soap and or Toothpaste?


What's wrong with libertarianism?

What's wrong with libertarianism? Humm, lets see.... Could it be Everything?
Liberalism, Fascism, Libertarianism, socialism, they are all basically the same.
What's wrong with libertarianism?  Hum, let us count the ways!   
Some people aren't much bothered, or even concerned by libertarianism's lack of success.  And these
libertarian's argue,  that if no one tried anything new, nothing would ever change.  I say, Change to what,  more government failures? And the consequences? 
Something profound like the September 11th terrorist attacks.
  Another example of someone who has been lobotomized. 
If I point out examples libertarian failed views,  I'm told by these ding-bats that they don't count, because it’s not Pure Real Libertarianism!  All I know is that there has never been any libertarian who wasn’t a real Nut-Job!

 I have a rule that I try to follow, I try my best never to debate or even try to argue with Libertarians, because what they believe in makes absolutely no sense.
Or lets put it another way, what’s the difference between Communism and     Libertarianism, of any! Any government is bad! Capitalism is bad, and Capitalists are Kitten eating SOB’s.. "The blacks and the poor are oppressed!  Workers should rule"!  And other Tree-Hugging crap like that!

What I get a laugh about is their belief about  how everything in the US Government is corrupt!  Yes they do think that Barack Obama is a FOOL and that he is inept and in way over his head.  Ah, at least that's something that I can agree with!   But then again, they say that about everyone who is not another libertarian.

Anyone who would support a Moron like Jesse Ventura for the president of the United States has been lobotomized, and is brain dead.
America’s greater danger is not the nitwits who are throwing bricks at the police in Baltimore, that's a given.   But it's also the name-calling, hating people on the left, the liberal fascists who support idiots, and cheats, and liars, and crooks like Hillary Clinton and her lousy Husband. The danger there is that these Idiots vote!

Is it me or what, but I don't understand the fascination with people like the Clinton’s or Obama... They are merely LIARS, and CROOKS that haven't been prosecuted, YET!   Bill aka (BJ Bubba) was impeached but the evidence didn't get a conviction... OK, back on track now; Hillary brings more baggage than an ocean liner and more suspicion than a movie thriller, but some people are so obsessed with that Ugly Old Hag that they look the other way.
And the brain-dead imbeciles who, would choose Gary Johnson, or who would even consider Hillary Clinton  for their candidate, over a Marco Rubio for example.  They are the ones who loose all credibility as far as I’m concerned. We already have a nut job as our president, why put in another one.  Is it just me?  Or is anyone else tired of the  small-minded, wack-jobs,and bourgeois values run amuck in the liberal, democratic, libertarian, party who represent the worst of America...

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