Why is it that Liberals Are
Against Using Soap and or Toothpaste?


Did the Baltimore Rioters really care About Justice or were they just after Free Stuff?

At the risk of being called racist, but then again, I've been called a lot worse.  I offer the following comments:
1. We have black leaders all over the country but the problem persists. Perhaps it's time to stop the means by which all these rioters subsist (aka welfare) and make them earn a living like the rest of have had to do all our lives?
2. With the advanced technology we have these days, wouldn't it be possible to identify each and every rioter, arrest them and incarcerate them for a long time? And I don't mean a 'school' jail, I mean hard time, like working on a chain gang!
3. We've coddled these one parent children for too long, it's time to take back the country! Quit rewarding bad behavior.

Ask yourself this!
Do the Baltimore Rioters Care About Justice or are they just after Free Stuff?
Are they really Rioting for Justice? 
I wonder what would of happened if it would have been a"Typically White” guy who died in the hands of a Police officer?
Would the same people have been out ther protesting?  Would the  protesters have turned to looting, and burning down police cars, stores and buildings ?
All these questions whold have a NO as their answers.
Those people in Baltimore only careed  about themselves and the money that they could steal.!

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