Why is it that Liberals Are
Against Using Soap and or Toothpaste?


Happy Fourth of July America

I’m sorry to have to say it, but we must say it like it is...this is a nation in who is in deep trouble my friends, we have these progressives who are American haters, we have a Supreme Court who are lefties appointed by lefties and doing the dirty work of lefties. 

We have enemies all over the world, many of them are former allies yet our President hasn’t got the guts or the balls to do anything other than go golfing with his Celebrity friends and take vacations with his Mooching First Lady while we continue to see the destruction, and the bankruptcy  of this once great nation.
We see Illegal aliens coming to America in droves every day using the system, to obtain Food Stamps, Jobs,  and other things and sending the money they make back to Mexico.
And yet we laugh when Donald Trump tells it like it is.
Our nation is still being invaded on a daily basis not only by enemies, but by illegal immigrants who are dead-set on bringing about our demise and the death of American dream. The Second Amendment is under constant attack, the First Amendment is threatened regularly by a despicable regime and by an leftist led Supreme Court.

Yes,  I know, I hear it every day,  “Trump is a Clown,” “He is a buffoon.” “He was divorced  twice.” “He has been bankrupt.” Yes, I know it, and yes it’s all true. And it’s also true that Ronald Reagan was a B-movie Actor and he played second fiddle to a chimp.
But damn it hey both were as successful as hell and they both always told it like it was

Today on the Birthday of our nation we have been warned and told by our Police Forces all over this land to be extra cautious and prepare for terrorist attacks on this 4th of July, possibly even an attack to mirror the horror of September the 11th. .

But however we must stand tall and continue to say Happy Birthday and may God Bless America!

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