Why is it that Liberals Are
Against Using Soap and or Toothpaste?


Was the Libyan Embassy Attack Planned?

 Was the Libya attack that killed the American ambassador and three other diplomats may have been planned rather than a spontaneous?  I think it was. And if this attack was planned by  terrorists, they should be arrested and sent to Gitmo  for trial, and killed like the Dogs they are..
Here in the U.S., the homicidal actions of the mob in Benghazi remind us of how important the constitutional separation between religion and government, and the constitutional rights of freedom of speech and religion, are to us as Americans.
There isn't a day that goes by in the Arab world where state media, let alone private organizations aren't maligning Jews, Christians and yes even Mormons, \ in the most vile way. You don't see those groups violently reacting in response. Ever. Anywhere. There is no excuse for these attacks whatsoever. Those who make excuses for it enable it. I don't think this attack has much to do with religion, culture, or movies, I personally feel that it had everything to do with 9-11..
People make ugly comments and ugly books and ugly films about Jesus, against Jews, all the time. In the West, and in the Muslim world.

But only in the Muslim world is the response this level of violence. No one in the West cares about this film. No one cares about some Danish cartoons. But we as Americans do care about having our freedoms taken away from us by a bunch of pigs that don’t even know what it is to be free and have the freedom to say what you want to. The protesters in Libya are intolerant murderers is true, but naive. this part of the world has not enjoyed the freedoms we have for 200+ years. instead, they have suffered the whims and atrocities committed by dictators and western armies, for centuries. they have seen our armies swoop in overwhelm them, destroying their homes and killing their children, whenever we have a beef with one of their leaders, or when the flow of oil is threatened. the standard of living for the average person there is lower than we could even imagine here. of course they haven't gotten around to free speech over there, they are too busy surviving. of course they don't believe in tolerance, they haven't been shown any. This event was tragic, no doubt, as is any loss of human life, even more when the reasons are so stupid. It seems some people posting here are trying very hard to avoid the obvious implications of a world where a man like that is not uncommon. You better stop trying to avoid the obvious. And I'm speaking the Liberals who post hereon these blogging boards.
If you disagree with US laws or the conduct of American citizens, then boycott American goods or deny Americans tourist visas. There a lot of options for ways to reject us and the principles of our society. There is nothing, though, that justifies attacking the innocent and the available. These actions are reprehensible and cowardly.
And on another note. I despise Progressives because they are always making excuses for these terrorists.
Since September 11th, 2001, Islamic terrorists have committed thousands of attacks, and on every occasion we find that the Liberals-Progressives-Democrats will constantly make excuses for these people. And I apologize for the comparison of these animals to people. Those on the left have actively participated in a campaign to differentiate Islam, and her peaceful followers, from Islamic terrorists. The term Islamic terrorists is not even used in leftist circles. And we even have the President of the United States rejecting the term “terrorists”. Not only will the left ignore this act of terrorism, they' will often attack the victim.

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